Who We Are

C.L.A.S.S. Home school Cooperative was founded in 2016 to foster a strong sense of community among Christian homeschooling families in the Lewis County area. We provide weekly classes, organize events and provide a place where homeschoolers can meet at Abundant Life Community Church of Lowville. Our group consists of families united to meet their needs and aspirations with the common purpose of educating their children. C.L.A.S.S. is an all-volunteer organization. Please note that it is not a student drop off program! Its co-leaders and members volunteer their time and talent to make C.L.A.S.S. the strong vibrant co-op that it is. By this collaborative effort we are able to provide classes and a strong community to all members. We ask for the prayers and co-operation of each student, parent, and teacher to make the co-op a safe and God-honoring place. May the Lord bless each of you.

Our teachers, who are all C.L.A.S.S. parents, are required to teach from a Christian worldview. They are encouraged to not only teach their topics thoroughly, but in a creative, exciting way. Teachers are expected to provide adequate information so that families can choose classes that best provide academic and social enrichment for their children. To these ends, teacher training is built into the co-op throughout the year to further their classroom management strategies.

In turn, it is our desire that our families come with a cooperative attitude in helping us make C.L.A.S.S. run safely, effectively, and as efficiently as possible. Families joining C.L.A.S.S. provide the foundation for building an atmosphere of mutual consideration where learning and sharing can occur successfully. Families are responsible for knowing and abiding by all of the policies and procedures as outlined within this parent handbook. The success of our co-op community depends on a high standard of respectful behavior from all members, both adults and children.

It is incredibly important that we demonstrate a good example of home schooling and protect the facility we have so graciously been allowed to use. Observance of the guidelines listed in this handbook will ensure that co-op’s objectives will be met. They can be summed up in this way: Show thoughtfulness and respect toward the teachers, parents, other students, and our host church facility and staff. At all times our actions and attitudes should honor our Lord Jesus Christ.

“Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus…” Col. 3:17.

We wish to thank the staff and congregation of Abundant Life Community Church of Lowville for graciously opening their building to our co-op for the school year.

My family is registered for classes, now what?

Please check out the links above to review class options and parent job openings.  If desired, fill out a "Teacher Interest Form" if you have a subject you would like to teach.


View our upcoming calendar of events so that you can stay informed of our scheduling.


Get information for parents including handbooks and FAQ's.


Get all of the information you will need to serve at C.L.A.S.S. as a teacher.


Get information related to students of C.L.A.S.S.

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C.L.A.S.S. Homeschool Co-op

Our Location

Abundant Life Community Church
5723 Waters Rd.
Lowville, NY 13367

Contact Us

Creedence Cathey