Teachers & Leaders
Coop Leader Responsibilities
The C.L.A.S.S. Leader Committee is dedicated to assuring that parents and students involved in the cooperative enjoy the experience each and every meeting day. To that end, the volunteer leaders organize every aspect of C.L.A.S.S. With input from the parents, they evaluate the policies and classes annually. Decisions made are based on what the committee feels will benefit the co-op as a whole. Leaders will be expected to model the positive behaviors expected of all members of C.L.A.S.S.
What the co-op committee does:
- Organize and publicize classes.
- Maintain web site.
- Keep parents informed about classroom changes, holidays, etc.
- Maintain database.
- Facilitate the relationship with Abundant Life Community Church.
- Assure they are available for teacher and parent inquiries on site and via email.
- Communicate with the church immediately if anything is damaged or broken so the co-op/parent can replace.
- Walk through the building at the completion of each co-op day to assure that all clean-up duties have been completed.
- Keep a stock cleaning supplies available: trash bags, dry erase cleaner, paper towels, carpet cleaner (for emergencies) all purpose cleaner, sponges, etc.
The parents acting as teachers and aides make class a successful endeavor. Their hard work and devotion to enriching our students lives are what make C.L.A.S.S. worthwhile for families. As is the case with the members of the Leader Committee, the teachers and aids model the positive behaviors that we want to see reflected in our students.
Teacher/Aides Responsibilities and Policies
- All teachers must teach according to the Statement of Faith.
- All teaching must be approached from a Biblical Worldview.
- Teachers should be in their room prepared to teach and/or available to parents and students at least 10 minutes before class begins. Classes should begin and end on time.
- Keep students in classroom the full class time. Dismissing students early is disruptive to other classes and may cause problems for the hall monitor.
- Please make sure the students’ next teacher is available before releasing them.
- The only church equipment that may be used for co-ops are rooms, tables, chairs, and dry erase boards. Do not erase church information from the boards and clean any co-op information off the board.
- The church has generously offered C.LA.S.S. The use of their facilities, but will not field requests or concerns regarding the co-op. Instead, please contact the members of the leader committee-Creedence Cathey, Ingrid Mosier, and Rebekah Zehr.
- All food, drinks, paints, experiments, etc. must be on the tiled area in the classroom foyer or outside-nursery classrooms included. Please keep in mind that students within the classrooms are studying and therefore students in the foyer will need to be respectful.
- If you give homework, collect and grade it! This will ensure that the students complete it and that the parents have concrete grades for their IHIP reports. Grades can consist of letter, number or a graduated scale (S, E, N, etc.). Let parents and students know by the first day of class your behavioral and homework expectations, grading system and any reward/demerit system you plan to put into place in your classroom.
- Teachers are responsible for their own substitutes when they cannot be present for their class. In Addition, teachers must contact one of the co-op leaders to let them know who will take responsibility for the class in their absence. If you absolutely must cancel, give parents notice in ample time.
- After the class hour teachers will ask the students to clean up their area by picking up all of their trash, returning all materials to where it belongs, and pushing in their chairs. Any chairs or tables that were moved should be placed back in their original position.
- Please make one of the co-op leaders aware of any concerns or situations with students and/or parents ASAP.
- Teachers are responsible for giving their aids tasks. Teacher aids should be viewed as co-teachers and be prepared to substitute as needed. They should not be on cell phones in class or out of the classroom etc., but actively participating with the students or otherwise assisting the teacher during class time.
My family is registered for classes, now what?
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C.L.A.S.S. Homeschool Co-op
Our Location
Abundant Life Community Church
5723 Waters Rd.
Lowville, NY 13367
Contact Us
Creedence Cathey