Frequently Asked Questions


Have questions? Lets see if we can help.

Below please find answers to many frequently asked questions.  If by chance you are unable to find the information that you are looking for, please feel free to contact us.
Who is the emergency contact?
C.L.A.S.S. operates independently of ALCCL. Please DO NOT contact ALCCL regarding matters pertaining to C.L.A.S.S. All inquires should be made directly to a Co-op leader. Creedence Cathey can be reached at 936-444-6132.
Can my children play outside?
Yes, but ONLY while a supervising adult is present. The playground will be monitored by a C.L.A.S.S. parent volunteer during recess time. Otherwise, parents will have to monitor the playground themselves. Older siblings who hold a babysitting course card may also act as monitors for younger siblings only. They cannot be responsible for other’s children.
What emergency procedures are in place?
In case of a fire, alarms will sound and all children should be evacuated along assigned evacuation routes to safe areas away from the building. Please keep children as calm and quiet as possible. Move quickly, but do not allow children to run. All exits are clearly marked and emergency exit routes are posted on wall maps in each room. All students must remain with their class and instructor. A co-leader will inform classes when it is safe to re-enter the building. Should we be unable to re-enter, teachers will remain with students until their parents pick them up.
What is the policy for snow days?
In case of inclement weather, we will CLOSE if Lowville School district is delayed or closes. Ideally, a mass email will be sent out by one of the co-leaders, but snow can sometimes interfere with our internet connections.
What if a teacher is unable to attend co-op on a given day?

 Teachers will make every reasonable effort to secure a substitute ahead of time for planned absence. In the case of an unexpected absence, parents will be asked to step up and act as a substitute for that class for that day. Lesson plans will be provided (teachers are required to submit emergency sub plans at the start of the school year).  

Are lunches and snacks provided?

At this time lunches and snacks are the responsibility of the parent. 

What is Bazaar Day?

Many kids enjoy making and selling items or baked goods!  Once or twice a year we will have a sale day where students can share their wares for other co-op members to purchase. Items may include homemade crafts, baked goods, etc. This is done to foster an entrepreneurial spirit in our students. 

Can I promote my business or politcal views?

Everyone enjoys casually discussing someone’s interests, but nobody likes high pressure sales. We ask that you keep any “advertising” for a personal business or political opinions to only those moments when they come up naturally in conversation. Thus, if somebody mentions they are having trouble with dry skin, it’s OK to mention that you sell a homemade or MLM cream that helped you. But, it’s not OK to say, I see you have dry skin, would you be interested in trying my product and trapping them into a fifteen minute discussion of your products. The same goes for political discussions. Ranting for a moment on current state of affairs is OK. Pushing your agenda isn’t. Please just be respectful of others. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.

Where are food and drink allowed?
All food and drinks will be confined to the area specifically designated as the lunchroom. (Students may have a water bottle in class.)  Children must clean up around themselves after they eat lunch.
How is information sent to members?

The co-leaders try to distribute as much information as possible through our Facebook group: C.L.A.S.S. Homeschool Co-op. We make every attempt to keep basic information updated on the website. 

What if my child is sick?
Any child who has had a fever, diarrhea, vomiting or other contagious conditions in the last 24 hours should not come to co-op classes.  If your child requires any medication, please keep it with you and administer it yourself.
Where can I park?
Please park along the far sides and back of the parking lot, leaving the areas closest to the church for church employees and visitors.
Do you have a lost and found?
Yes, a box is located in the foyer by the info desk. Items not claimed at the end of each semester will be donated.
What can I expect if a member of my family fails to comply with any of the policies and procedures?
After three occurrences of failure to comply with C.L.A.S.S. policies, your co-op membership will be terminated. As an all volunteer co-operative organization, we rely on everyone doing their part and complying with our rules.
What if my family needs to discontinue our membership?
There may be an instance where your family is not able to participate any longer in the co-op. You will be missed! Any registration and class material fees paid will not be refunded. Teachers often have already purchased supplies, and your registration fee helps pay for the website, copier use, etc and would be difficult to prorate.

My family is registered for classes, now what?

Please check out the links above to review class options and parent job openings.  If desired, fill out a "Teacher Interest Form" if you have a subject you would like to teach.


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C.L.A.S.S. Homeschool Co-op

Our Location

Abundant Life Community Church
5723 Waters Rd.
Lowville, NY 13367

Contact Us

Creedence Cathey