The Fallacy Detective
Class Size: 2-12 Students
Class Time: 12:30-1:30
Pencil, notebook paper for notes if they choose, a willingness to participate in the discussions.
Course Description:
We will be going through the lessons in the book The Fallacy Detective, by Nathaniel Bluedorn & Hans Bluedorn. The lessons will be read and discussed in class. No additional materials are necessary. Depending on how fast we make it through the lessons, we may start the next book The Thinking Toolbox, by the same authors.
This will be a discussion type class, there will likely not be homework except as an opportunity to earn class cash.
Additional Info:
Midterm Enrollment: Yes
Class Prerequisites: None
Estimated Homework Hours: 0
Classroom: TBD

Teacher Bio: Charity Savage
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Abundant Life Community Church
5723 Waters Rd.
Lowville, NY 13367
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