2-3rd Grade: PM
Class Size: 2-12 Students
Class Time: 12:30-3:30
Course Description:
12:30-1:30: Learning Writing Through Literature with Creedence Cathey: We will read aloud several Early American History Read Aloud selections, have mini socratic discussions, & do related crafting projects and experiments.
1:30-2:30: Apologia Swimming Creatures with Storrey Cathey: Students do not need to be completing the course at home. We will review the module highlights and complete related hands on projects & experiments in class.
2:30-3:30: Games with Danielle Graves
Additional Info:
Midterm Enrollment: Yes
Class Prerequisites: None
Estimated Homework Hours: 0
Classroom: TBA

Teacher Bio: Creedence Cathey, Storrey Cathey, Danielle Graves
Storrey Cathey: I am a 15 year old sophmore in high school. I will be completing a Marine Biology unit at home for science this year, and as an extension, will be teaching the Apologia Swimming Creatures course at co-op.
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C.L.A.S.S. Homeschool Co-op
Our Location
Abundant Life Community Church
5723 Waters Rd.
Lowville, NY 13367
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Creedence Cathey