Government & Personal Finance

Class Size: 2-12 Students

Class Time:


Materials Needed:

Government: Students will need a printed copy of the student guide. They will also need a printed or digital version of the teacher’s guide. The reading for the course is in the teacher guide. Students will be doing the reading outside class. If the digital copy is chosen, please ensure your student can bring a device for viewing to class.

Personal Finance: notebook & pencils

Course Description:

1st semester: Government with Ellyn Melby

Gather Round Government teaches both the history of politics and how the government is set up, as well as how voting works. Students will make timelines, learn about the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, and Amendments. As this is an election year, there will be a special focus on the inner workings of how elections work. For this course, students will need both the student guide and the teacher guide. All the reading is in the teacher’s guide. There are several purchase options. You can choose whatever is best for your family but if you choose a digital copy please allow for a device to be available for class. I’m going to try to find time to read the book 1776 by Daivid McCullough. There are many copies in the North Country Library System so no need to purchase.

2nd semester: Foundations in Personal Finance High School Edition with Monica Sealman: Introduction to Personal Finance, Savings, Budgeting, Debt, Life after high school, Consumer awareness, Bargain shopping, Investing and retirement, Insurance Money and relationships, Careers and taxes, Giving

Additional Info:

  • Midterm Enrollment: Yes

  • Class Prerequisites: None

  • Estimated Homework Hours: 60+ minutes

  • Classroom: TBD

Teacher Bio: Ellyn Melby & Monica Sealman

Register for this Class

  • Please fill out one form per student. If you have not yet registered your family for Class Coop, please do so before registering your students for classes.
  • First NameLast NameAge 
  • It's time to register for classes!**The Basic Culinary Class is full. We have added a Creative Writing class during that hour as another option for 7th-8th grade students. Study Hall is also an option. Thank you for your patience as we work to iron out the schedule.**Please register each child in a separate form.Classes are listed by their time. Each class is an hour long starting at 9:30am (except recess and PE).Please pay attention to class times and only sign up for one class during each time slot.If your child is not signing up for a class during a specific time slot, then please sign your child up for Study Hall.Before registering, please view the individual classes on their respective pages so you can be informed of required materials and expected time to be spent on homework at home.
  • Type the letters / numbers that you see!

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C.L.A.S.S. Homeschool Co-op

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Abundant Life Community Church
5723 Waters Rd.
Lowville, NY 13367

Contact Us

Creedence Cathey